
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Natural Remedies For Depression and Anxiety

Home Remedies For Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety are normal reactions that we exprience daily when we react to different situations. The issue begins when we are unable to control our emotions for an extended period. When that feeling takes over some measure of control must be found before diaster strikes. If you believe that a specific event is causing your depression and or anxiety it may be wise to get help. Many people prefer to find Natural At Home Remedies For Depression.
natural depression home remedies

Commercial advertisement for prescribed and over the counter products list a number of side effects that makes some patients prefer to stay depressed rather than risk all the side effects. Millions of people are on medication for depression that we are not made aware.It will be shocking to know that there are bus drivers, teachers, doctors, lawyers and many other professionals on prescribed medication.

Natural At Home Remedies For Depression 

There is no quick fix for someone that is depressed because most times the trigger for depression is never the same. However there are proven steps that we can include within our daily lives to help. The following are simple home remedies for depression:

Depression Remedies - Meditate 

It’s a hard thing to do, but it really helps. We become so out of touch with ourselves and smothered by our thoughts we lose the ability to reflect and sift through our minds-an indispensable tool if you need to cope with depression, anxiety, OCD, or anything along those lines. Start small-maybe 2-3 minutes a day-and work your way up from there.

Finding the time to be at peace is as important as drinking water. The negatives of the day bombards us at work, on the way to work, going to pay a bill or even at the airport going on a vacation. The key is getting that downtime to recharge.

Depression Remedies - Music 

There is an ancient saying that "music makes the world go around". Music can make the depression go down. The build up of stress and the uncertainity of tommorow can cause problems. The inability to handle this may sometime cause the depression. Happy music or natural sounds like the ocean or a waterfall, birds whistling can go a long way in changing your mood. The better you feel emotionally can prevent the mind from going into depression. This is not true for all cases because the may be hormone problem in some.

free natural home remedies for depression

Depression Remedies Drink Chamomile Tea

Depression goes hand in hand with sleep problems. It’s like you can’t get out of bed during the day but can’t fall asleep at night either. It is thought that a particular flavonoid (a chemical naturally occurring in some plants) in chamomile is what contributes to its relaxing properties, and I find that having a cup before bedtime with a bit of milk and honey does help me unwind. Tuck a little lavender sleep sachet under your pillow too and you’ll have an extra relaxing boost when you curl up.

You will need…

-1 cup of boiling water
-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile or 1 teabag
-A dash of milk and honey (optional)


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chamomile tea


Boil 1 cup of water and pour over 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile (or a chamomile tea bag) and let steep for 5 minutes. If you are using a tea bag, let steep for 15. Strain, and add a little milk and honey if you like, and drink 30 minutes before bedtime. 

 Depression Remedies - Increase B-vitamins

depression remedies B12 vitaminsdepression home remedy b12 vitamins

Vitamin B (namely B-12, but others as well) play an important role in the brain, producing chemicals that majorly impact mood (serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine.) If you lack this all important vitamin, you may be shorting your mind as well as your body. Older adults, those with digestive disorders, and folks who are vegetarians may find that they have a hard time getting enough of B-vitamins (it is found in many meats.) You can either take supplements or add more B vitamin rich food to your diet, such as:

-Fish (Mackerel, 3 oz. serving): 269% DV*
-Cheese (Swiss, 1 oz. serving):16% DV
-Shellfish (cooked clams, 3 oz. serving): 1401% DV
-Spinach (1 cup cooked): 22% DV
-Bell peppers (1 cup raw): 13.50% DV
-Turkey (4 oz. serving) 32% DV

Depression Remedies Free Exercise

depression home remedies exercise

So this is no great secret, and you’ve probably heard it before (and many of you have probably brushed it off) but exercise is fundamental to mood. I don’t mean go for a 30 minute jog every day, even just a fifteen minute walk through the neighborhood does wonders. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are what make us feel good and happy.

I ignored this advice for a long, long, time until a particularly bad bout of depression landed me in the hospital for two weeks. After that I lay in bed, hardly eating, barely talking, and staring off into space, until I got a dog. I needed this dog, you see, because I would not leave the house otherwise. With an energetic puppy on my hands, I had no choice but to haul my sorry self out the door and move about. And it was incredible. To this day if I start to sink into the couch my dog is bouncing off the walls and forcing me to get up, and afterwards I always feel better. It’s tough to do, but worth it.

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