
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Natural Remedies For Depression and Anxiety

Home Remedies For Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety are normal reactions that we exprience daily when we react to different situations. The issue begins when we are unable to control our emotions for an extended period. When that feeling takes over some measure of control must be found before diaster strikes. If you believe that a specific event is causing your depression and or anxiety it may be wise to get help. Many people prefer to find Natural At Home Remedies For Depression.
natural depression home remedies

Commercial advertisement for prescribed and over the counter products list a number of side effects that makes some patients prefer to stay depressed rather than risk all the side effects. Millions of people are on medication for depression that we are not made aware.It will be shocking to know that there are bus drivers, teachers, doctors, lawyers and many other professionals on prescribed medication.

Natural At Home Remedies For Depression 

There is no quick fix for someone that is depressed because most times the trigger for depression is never the same. However there are proven steps that we can include within our daily lives to help. The following are simple home remedies for depression:

Depression Remedies - Meditate 

It’s a hard thing to do, but it really helps. We become so out of touch with ourselves and smothered by our thoughts we lose the ability to reflect and sift through our minds-an indispensable tool if you need to cope with depression, anxiety, OCD, or anything along those lines. Start small-maybe 2-3 minutes a day-and work your way up from there.

Finding the time to be at peace is as important as drinking water. The negatives of the day bombards us at work, on the way to work, going to pay a bill or even at the airport going on a vacation. The key is getting that downtime to recharge.

Depression Remedies - Music 

There is an ancient saying that "music makes the world go around". Music can make the depression go down. The build up of stress and the uncertainity of tommorow can cause problems. The inability to handle this may sometime cause the depression. Happy music or natural sounds like the ocean or a waterfall, birds whistling can go a long way in changing your mood. The better you feel emotionally can prevent the mind from going into depression. This is not true for all cases because the may be hormone problem in some.

free natural home remedies for depression

Depression Remedies Drink Chamomile Tea

Depression goes hand in hand with sleep problems. It’s like you can’t get out of bed during the day but can’t fall asleep at night either. It is thought that a particular flavonoid (a chemical naturally occurring in some plants) in chamomile is what contributes to its relaxing properties, and I find that having a cup before bedtime with a bit of milk and honey does help me unwind. Tuck a little lavender sleep sachet under your pillow too and you’ll have an extra relaxing boost when you curl up.

You will need…

-1 cup of boiling water
-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile or 1 teabag
-A dash of milk and honey (optional)


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Boil 1 cup of water and pour over 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile (or a chamomile tea bag) and let steep for 5 minutes. If you are using a tea bag, let steep for 15. Strain, and add a little milk and honey if you like, and drink 30 minutes before bedtime. 

 Depression Remedies - Increase B-vitamins

depression remedies B12 vitaminsdepression home remedy b12 vitamins

Vitamin B (namely B-12, but others as well) play an important role in the brain, producing chemicals that majorly impact mood (serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine.) If you lack this all important vitamin, you may be shorting your mind as well as your body. Older adults, those with digestive disorders, and folks who are vegetarians may find that they have a hard time getting enough of B-vitamins (it is found in many meats.) You can either take supplements or add more B vitamin rich food to your diet, such as:

-Fish (Mackerel, 3 oz. serving): 269% DV*
-Cheese (Swiss, 1 oz. serving):16% DV
-Shellfish (cooked clams, 3 oz. serving): 1401% DV
-Spinach (1 cup cooked): 22% DV
-Bell peppers (1 cup raw): 13.50% DV
-Turkey (4 oz. serving) 32% DV

Depression Remedies Free Exercise

depression home remedies exercise

So this is no great secret, and you’ve probably heard it before (and many of you have probably brushed it off) but exercise is fundamental to mood. I don’t mean go for a 30 minute jog every day, even just a fifteen minute walk through the neighborhood does wonders. Exercise releases endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are what make us feel good and happy.

I ignored this advice for a long, long, time until a particularly bad bout of depression landed me in the hospital for two weeks. After that I lay in bed, hardly eating, barely talking, and staring off into space, until I got a dog. I needed this dog, you see, because I would not leave the house otherwise. With an energetic puppy on my hands, I had no choice but to haul my sorry self out the door and move about. And it was incredible. To this day if I start to sink into the couch my dog is bouncing off the walls and forcing me to get up, and afterwards I always feel better. It’s tough to do, but worth it.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Natural Home Constipation Remedies

Top 5 Natural Remedies For Constipation

Do you know that not having a regular bowel can be the start of constipation? Being constipated means your bowel movements are difficult or happen less often than normal. Being constipated means your bowel movements are difficult or happen less often than normal. Almost everyone has it at some point in life, and it's usually not serious. Still, you'll feel much better when your system is back on track. Can you imagine keeping garbage inside the home for more than 3 days?

The normal length of time between bowel movements varies widely from person to person. Some people have bowel movements three times a day. Others have them only once or twice a week.

Going longer than three or more days without one is usually too long. After three days, the stool or feces become harder and tougher to pass. The following are natural remedies for constipation:

Constipation Remedies at Home - Pure Olive Oil

constipation remedies at home - olive oil
Pure olive oil is more than just a healthy and tasty fat, it can also help relieve constipation. It’s not surprising really when you consider what olive oil’s texture and consistency is like- it’s practically the poster child for constipation home remedies. It stimulates your digestive system, which helps get things moving through your colon, and taken regularly it can prevent constipation as well.

You will need…
-1 tablespoon of olive oil
-1 teaspoon of lemon juice (optional)

In the morning consume one tablespoon of olive oil. It works best on an empty stomach, so have it before you eat anything else. If you forget, wait until later when you haven’t eaten for a while. You can mix it with a little bit of lemon juice if you like to lighten the flavor (lemon juice also acts as a natural aid for constipation.)

Free Natural Health Tips

How To Remove Constipation Naturally

 Constipation Remedies at Home - Increase Fiber In Your Diet

You’ll hear people talk a lot about how a natural diet helps relieve and prevent constipation. An overall healthy diet just improves everything, and our bodies know how to process fruits, veggies, grains and roughage more than the refined or artificial foods that don’t pass as easily. To get more specific, natural foods tend to contain boatloads of fiber-that magical word that signifies the end of toilet suffrage. In short, fiber is material that cannot be digested, and it acts like a sponge. It draws water from its surroundings, making it swell, which softens stool and adds bulk to it, which in turn helps it pass. Like coffee, some kinds of fiber (like beans) can contribute to constipation, so always drink plenty of water. Some good fiber-filled foods include-

-Whole grain bread
-Plums, pears, and apples
-Potatoes (skip the fries though)

Constipation Remedies at Home - Flaxseed

Flaxseed oil is a pretty simple home remedy for constipation. It sort of coats the walls of the intestine, as well as stool, and increases the number of bowel movements you are having. Enjoying your oil with orange juice is a double whammy when it comes to constipation, since oranges have a good amount of fiber in them (make sure to get orange juice with pulp, which is what has most of the fiber.)

You will need…
-1 glass of orange juice with pulp (8 oz.)
-1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil

Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil with 1 glass of orange juice. Drink as needed, but give it time (up to 5 hourse) to start working so you don’t overdo it.

Constipation Remedies at Home - Baking Soda

Baking soda lies at the heart of home remedies. It’s is so incredibly versatile, and it pretty much does its job 95% of the time. It works incredibly well for constipation (and tummy aches in general) because it is a bicarbonate, which will encourage air to come out of you one way or another, and relieve pain from pressure. It also re-alkalizes the stomach, neutralizing the acid a little bit and helping things pass through your gut.

You will need…
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-1/4 cup warm water

Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with ¼ cup of warm water. Drink all of the mixture-the quicker you finish it, the better it seems to work.

Constipation Remedies at Home -  Prunes

Perhaps one of the most classic cures for constipation is prunes or prune juice. The fruit works as a natural laxative because it has high amounts of fiber, and contains sorbitol. Sorbitol softens stools because it is a natural carbohydrate that is not easily ingested, causing it to draw a lot of water as it passes through the intestines and adding bulk to stool. Be careful though-too much and sorbitol can cause gas and make stool too soft.

You will need…
-2 glasses of prune juice (8oz)

Drink one glass of prune juice in the morning and one at night to relieve constipation. It should start working within a few hours, so it’s important to let one glass pass through your intestines before attempting to drink another-or else you risk diarrhea. You can also eat several prunes instead of drinking the juice if you prefer.

Before spending that hard earn cash at the doctor you can get home remedies that work just as well as the doctor prescribed drugs. This is not recommend you do not visit your doctor and follow the advice, it is information that you can use to make an informed decision.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Natural Weight Loss Home Remedies At Home

Weight Loss Home Remedies

There are only two ways to truly manage weight, through exercising and eating healthy. There simply is no magic shortcut, and while this may seem obvious to some people it is overlooked far, far, too often. Now you’re probably wondering, if diet and exercise are the only ways to lose weight, why did you write this list?

Because there are still natural remedies and recipes that will help you reach your ultimate goal. If you use these in addition to eating better and getting some exercise, they can speed up the process. There are many different contributing factors to losing or gaining weight, so the below remedies cover a wide range.

To understand that you are one in control of your mind means you can take control of all aspects of your body, both physical and mental. The body has the abilty to heal itself and given the right food at the right time will help in speeding up your metabolism which in turn burns fat or calaroies more efficently.

How Home Remedies Work For Weight Loss?

Many people want the end result but do not understand the process. It it like driving a car What is important is that when you turn the key it starts and take you to your destination. The fact that it needs oil and coolant is not important. But to save on maintaince and avoid brake downs you shoud know the "WHY".

Before you go on you should have a simple understanding of the process your body goes through when dropping the pounds. Fat (along with protein and carbohydrates) is stored energy, plain and simple. Calories are the unit that is used to measure the potential energy in said fats, carbs, and proteins. Your body will convert fat to usable energy through a series of chemical processes, and any excess energy (calories) that you don’t need will be stored away.

To lose weight, you must expend more energy (or calories) than you take in. When you are using more than you taking in, your body draws on stored fat to convert it to energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. It doesn’t disappear; it simply changes form, like water to steam. While this is the basic process, you also have to take into account genetic and environmental factors. How well the above process takes place does vary from person to person.

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Top 5 Home Remedies For Quick Weight Loss


Natural Weight loss Tips at Home # 1 - Getting Enough Sleep

Our body is a cohesive unit, a complex system, not just individual parts. Everything has to be working
natural weight loss tip sleep
harmoniously for things to be balanced and correct-like your weight. Studies have shown that even just a little bit of sleep deprivation over the short time frame of 4 nights results in increased insulin resistance, and essentially ages the metabolism 10-20 years in that time frame.

The fat cells sensitivity to insulin dropped by 30% to levels usually seen in people who were obese or diabetic. By getting the right amount of sleep, you’re doing more than just resting your body-you’re ensuring that all systems are go, and that you have the best chance possible to succeed at losing weight.

Naturat Weight Loss Tips at Home #2 - Cinnamon Tea

Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight as it affects how hungry and how energetic you are (if you have energy you’re much more likely to exercise!) If your blood sugar is balanced you are less likely to have a disproportionally large appetite, and your body will be more apt to use fat (energy) rather than storing it. While debate about its effectiveness drags on, more and more preliminary studies are coming out showing that cinnamon can help manage blood sugar levels, so why not whip up a spicy cinnamon tea?

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
-1 cinnamon stick
-8 ounces of fresh water


Place the cinnamon in a mug and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drinking 1-2 times a day.

Natural Weight Loss Tips at Home #3 - Drinking Enough Water

natural weight loss tip drinking water
Staying hydrated is an important aspect of weight loss that people often brush off-you don’t want to gain water weight and feel bloated right? Either that or you hear that you should drink ice cold water to burn more calories. Not exactly. The idea that ice cold water burns more calories because your body tries to “warm it up” first may technically be true, but the effect is miniscule (like 8 calories miniscule.) Rather, you need to be hydrated for your body to run smoothly, and that includes burning fat.

It flushes bad stuff through your system, and also helps curb appetite. And don’t fret about water weight-if you are staying hydrated, your body is less likely to retain water since it simply doesn’t have the need to-similar to how eating more can make weight loss easier, within reason. I should also say-DO NOT BUY INTO SPECIALTY WATERS! Get your vitamins through your diet or supplements. Those waters are not better for you-in fact some are so loaded with flavoring and what not they rival soda.

You will need…

-8 ounces of fresh water


Drink at least 8 cups of fresh water every day.

Natural Weight Loss Tips at Home #4 - Apple Snacks 

An apple a day keeps the weight at bay! While not overflowing with nutrients like other fruits or vegetables, apples still have a number of benefits that can contribute to weight loss. First, they are packed with fiber, which helps curb appetite, so eat one when you feel the urge to snack on some less-desirable foods. Second, they can help regulate blood sugar levels, and therefore help regulate your appetite and energy levels. Third, the pectin in apples can lower cholesterol, and serve as another way to help regulate blood sugar, by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. Finally, apples are a naturally low-sodium food, which can help prevent excess water retention and water weight.

You will need…

-1-2 fresh apples


Rinse and slice an apple, and eat one to two daily. Leave the skin on, as that contains a good amount of fiber.

Natural Weight Loss Tips at Home #5 - Eating Choclate

Remember deprivation hardly works? When you get the urge for a sweet treat, turn to dark chocolate. It will help curb your craving thanks to its insulin-resistance lowering flavonoids. The healthy fats in dark chocolate can also slow the absorption of sugar into your blood stream, preventing “insulin spikes.” Studies have shown that eating some can help put a stop to cravings for sugar, salt, and fat. However, the chocolate must be 70% cocoa, otherwise it has too much milk or sugar added to be beneficial.

You will need…

-70% dark chocolate


Directly after a meal, eat a piece of dark chocolate roughly the size of your thumb to glean its benefits.

These are just some of the natural weight loss tips that you can apply in your daily routine to lose weight. They are not the only ones and there are many more that you can use to get your desired results. There are studies done that confirm you get results from simple changes in your diet and others that support using supplements. In the end you must decide what will work for you.